Monday, October 25, 2010

the zoo inside

So there's no elephant in the room. The huge red jumping elephant is long gone.
But there's always something. Maybe it's a giraffe, a rhinoceros, a flying pig or just a crocodile. We all get a "pet" like that, or sometimes a herd of them, or even an entire zoo.

There are however ways to deal with it.
Some ignore it, pretend they don't see it, buy zoo filtering glasses and go on with their lives as if there is no unbearable noise, foul smell, and terrible overcrowding. They may even try to move, but the zoo is sure to follow, they're quite good at tracking.
While others challenge the intruders, fight them, buy zoo-repellent sprays. They declare a full fledged war to the intruders and make their lives about getting rid of them.

Why not just acknowledge them, feed them, cleanup after them and live with them until they leave peacefully and on their own? Or maybe you won't need them to leave.

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