Friday, March 12, 2010

the war

The worst thing about being at war with yourself is that no matter what you do, you always loose. And unlike the usual wars, it can also end without no one winning. Most of the times you just have a pretty good chance to loose on all fronts and in all ways.
And there will always be other casualties. Innocent bystanders who just happened in your life. Or even the people who care about either you or your sworn enemy self.
So what can you do? Well... you could do the cowardly thing and just run as fast you can. But really, do you honestly think you can outrun yourself? So please, for your sake, and mine, and theirs, offer me a truce and just try and get along.


  1. um..yeah but it's also true that the best defense is offense,so no peace treaties, no friendly discussions, no debates over crumpets and tea, no armistice, even if you're being at war with yourself, and for the by standers *Jack Nicholson grin* leave no witnesses! you only lost one battle ;)

  2. (nice touch with the jackie smile)
    But I don't agree. Not even a bit. First of all... I lost too many battles. And I'm sure I will loose many more, but I would like to win a few for a change.
    As for the armistice... there is no final truce, but they are still needed from time to time. Otherwise you're just driving yourself nuts.
    And the witnesses... it's not "leave no witnesses", it's "the witnesses leave".

  3. I understand,but you know what they say "win some, lose some" and I'm a veteran in losing battles too, but in the end, we might just come out as war heroes :) food for thought...don't give up just yet, cuz if we do become heroes I've heard there is a heart involved, as in you receive one.(a purple one, and purple is a good color, i guess)
    anyway, about the witnesses, unless they're under federal protection, you should hunt them down ;)

  4. should fight with peace, you'll allways win my dear!:)

  5. yeah but the 60's are over, fight with peace?! that doesn't even make sense, it's like saying love with hate and run with scissors...or ain't gon work...

  6. Peace is the thing that comes after the war is over. Peace is what's ever left when the was is done. Peace cannot exist without war, and they don't coexist. It's either one or the other, so you can't fight one with the other, just let them replace each other.
    As for running with scissors... it's the thing your mother always tells you never to do, but sometimes the only thing that makes sense.

  7. Well... The peace that I was talkin about its similar with forgiveness. The war will allways be compromised by non-agression,if everything is to philosophy...To stop a war with another war is like you want to stop some waves with other waves much bigger(or not-doesn't matter), which is just silly.The inner war does not coincide with the war from the real world.
    India has achieved independence in this way.
    Your analogy with 'love with hate' it's a bit 'out of place'...

  8. yeah it shoulda been the other way around, hate with love, commit to it, damn it.
    another thing similar to forgiveness is pity, and feeling pity for yourself is just pathetic, roll with the punches, then turn your other cheek around, be ready to fall down and then to stand back up,otherwise you ain't sh#t. this is how these little wars with yourself makes you either a better f%ckin person, or a walking cluster f%ck of dysfunctions. how's this for an acid philosophy?
    And who said we gon' stop a war with another one? We fight our wars, we either win or lose, then we start another war just for the eff of it.Nobody's compromising shhhht and nobody gives two squirts of piss about India and its independence.

  9. I seem to be needed here, to moderate you people a bit. I don't really appreciate the anonymity, it's like talking to someone with dark sunglasses on, it makes me a bit uneasy, but it's your choice. I will resist the urge to treat your anonymity as invisibility and ignore you.
    So. I will start by saying that in a way you are both right. Different opinions, different styles of expressing, but none wrong.
    Yes, forgiveness can be a solution. I understand it as non-aggression, as "turning the other cheek". But it's not really a solution in this case. As you stated, Anonymous, the inner war is nothing like the real-world war, and no, India has no point being here.
    And long as there are two opposing sides, the war does not end. They don't actually fight each-other, it's they simple coexistence that creates the war. They need not forgive one-another for they did not wrong each-other.
    And even though a rock does break a wave, you can actually also break it with a bigger wave, as rah-rah suggests. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. No, giving up is not an option, as it's impossible in this particular case. That would lead only to apathy and ignorance and such depersonalization.
    As much as I dread to say it, the only real answer, or start of a solution, is a compromise. A compromise is a truce. Find a way to coexist without permanent damages. Conflicts will always be. They are almost a must. If you have no inner conflicts you are either just plain stupid and ignorant, or far too superior and do not belong on this earth, or, as it mostly happens, really good at lying to yourself.
