Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I don't know your name. I don't know the color of your eyes. I don't know the sound of your voice. I don't know where you're from. I don't know what you like to eat. I don't know how messy you are. I don't know how early you wake up in the mornings. I don't know anything about you.
Maybe you sat next to me on a train one day. Maybe we once listened to the same song at the exact same time. Maybe we sometime even exchanged random words like "sorry" or "thank you", without raising our eyes from the floor in the rush. Maybe we have the same books on the shelves.
I might not recognize you right away when I meet you, see you again, hear your voice, see your hands in a photo. But what I do know for sure is how you will make me feel. That's when I'll know for sure. You will make me feel safe. You will make me feel unafraid; not brave, but unafraid. You will make me feel like myself.

And most of all, you will make me feel free.

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