Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I come in pairs

My heart sees with one eye, my mind watches with the other. So my vision is impaired.
So my reality is made of gray images stitched together with colorful imagination.

My heart feels with one hand, my mind touches with the other. I may be partially numb.
And my fists are full of scars.

My heart hears with one ear, my mind listens with the other. So I can't hear you clearly.
So I'm deafened by words never whispered.

My heart stands on one leg, my mind walks on the other. I loose my balance easily.
And I can't run just by standing still.

But I have only one mouth, so you'll probably not know and not understand.
So I'll give my heart to people who don't want it. And they'll keep it because they like my mind.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

dear you,

You are loved. You are not perfect, except perhaps in your idiosyncrasies and faults.
You are loved. You do not deserve it, nor should you earn it.
You are loved. Without expectations, but against your wishes.
You are loved. Not from afar and despite the magnifying glass.
You are loved. It is not a choice. Neither yours, nor mine.

You are loved. It is not a weapon, or a weight. It is not a promise, or an excuse. It is not an explanation, or a question. It is not a prize, or a punishment.

You are loved. I implode whenever I try to say what I feel.

me, not only myself, and not I